Staking Rewards
Staking APY will be rewarded up to 10%.
1st staking period will start at 10%, the subsequent percentage will be based on the overall performance and total staked amount of the platform in the previous season.
Semi-dynamic APY adjustment will ensure the fair distribution of tokens to prevent hyperinflation.
Staking pools will be open only after every league to ensure that users who did not manage to get any NFTs will be able to join the fun.
Staking Advantages
Staking GBY tokens will allow users to enjoy more platform fee discounts (each staking period is set at 12 months - which is a typical period of any game season). Staking - Platform fee discounts: - 10K GBY staked: 10% - 50K GBY staked: 20% - 150K GBY staked: 30% - 500K GBY staked: 50%
Last updated